Area Rug Cleaning | Re-fringing Services

carpet design | Edmond, OK | The White House Loom Shoppe Inc. | 405-471-5235

Restore your area rugs with cleaning and re-fringing

Are your area rugs looking worse from wear? Have them look new again with our expert cleaning and re-fringing services.

area rug cleaning | Edmond, OK | The White House Loom Shoppe Inc. | 405-471-5235

Keep your area rugs clean, fresh, and healthy

How long has it been since your area rugs received a thorough cleaning?

Rugs require regular cleaning to look their best — and to keep dust and other irritants out of your home. Since you can’t just throw them in the washing machine, give us a call!

Give new life to your old area rugs with re-fringing

Even if an area rug has been cleaned regularly, thinned and frayed fringe can make it look shabby and old. Re-fringing to the rescue! Choose from many colors, lengths, thicknesses, and styles.

If fringe isn’t your style, we also offer binding and serging services.

Contact us today to get your rugs back in shape!


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