Area Rug Design | Carpet Design

custom carpet design | Edmond, OK | The White House Loom Shoppe Inc. | 405-471-5235

Design the perfect rug or carpet for your home

Custom design services make sure you get a perfect look and fit.

carpet cleaning | Edmond, OK | The White House Loom Shoppe Inc. | 405-471-5235

Ensure carpeting fits your style — and your space

Measuring and cutting carpeting is no easy task, but our experts have years of experience.

We’ll walk you through your options, helping you select the right color and style for your life, while making sure it fits your space perfectly.

Give any room a makeover with a custom-designed area rug

When an “off-the-rack” area rug just won’t do, our custom design services come to the rescue! We’ll help you design a beautiful, luxurious rug to fit your taste and design scheme.

You’ll be amazed at how a new rug instantly freshens up any room in your home!

Call or stop by and get started on the custom rug or carpet of your dreams.


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